Lesson Plan 3

Arts Bridge lesson plan 3
Lesson Title: Superstorms
Content Objective: By the end of 45 minutes, 2nd grade students will be able to demonstrate movement that relates to three different storms – thunderstorm, hurricane, and tornado.
Grade: 2nd
Length of lesson: 45 min
Materials: music, speaker, poster, pictures

5 min
As students come in, remind them of rules.
Go over the drumming to sit and stand
1.     No talking when teacher is talking
2.     Everyone is going to dance
3.     Don’t touch your neighbor
Then have them spread out.
“Do we remember the three rules?”
“I am going to challenge you all today, so you have to try your best.”
“A little birdy told me that you have been talking about superstorms, so we are going to dance about them.” Go through the three storms. “Ok we are going to go out and dance about one of these storms, and I am going to see if you can guess which one it is.

10 min
Start the movement of thunderstorms without telling them what the storm we are dancing is.
1.     Warm air rising = roll and jump
2.     Wind = sustained, swaying, spiral
3.     Rain = slosh
4.     Hail = freeze
5.     Lightening = close bumping and leaps
Have them come sit down and guess which storm it is.
“In this storm warm air rises rapidly to make clouds. So let me see you roll to the floor and rise fast like air would.”
“These storms bring high winds. Wind can sway in the wind with our arms. The wind makes trees sway up high. And down low…try it with your leg. The wind can spiral….do this with me.”
“These storms also have a lot of heavy rain. Rain can be very sloshy. Let me see you slosh your body. Be really loose, like you have no bones.” (play with the space).
“These storms can sometimes have hail. Hail is frozen ice. So you are going to slosh around and when I say freeze, you are going to freeze like ice.”
“Finally, these storms have lightening. “Lightening forms by ice and water bumping into each other at high speeds. So everyone come close to me…nudge through each other but be soft. We are like the ice and water bumping into each other. Eventually this becomes larger and larger (spread out) until the charge fills the clouds.”
“Then lightening strikes! Start to leap in the air like lightening. Can your arms be explosive as well?” Stop them and demand excellence if necessary. Then come sit down.
African drums
10 min
Start the movement for Hurricanes but do not tell them what storm they are dancing.
1.     Storm of clouds = walking pushing through clouds
2.     Rotating cloud = big rotating circle/slides
3.     Northern Southern rotation = two sliding circles.
Come sit and guess which storm…reviewing what we did.
“Let’s try a new storm!”
“This storm is a large rotating storm of clouds that form over the ocean. Try moving through the clouds, pushing, jabbing, stepping through the clouds, using your arms and your legs. What if the clouds are super thick…”
“Lets make one big circle again…as big as we can. This storm is a large rotating cloud” (slide in circle.) They can be really tall! In the center of this storm, there is less pressure. Lets come as close as we can but go slower because there is less pressure.”
“ In the northern hemisphere, these storms turn CC, but in the southern hemisphere they turn C. So lets split into two, you will spin this way…Remember they are very tall!”
Come sit and guess.

10 min
Start movement for last storm – tornadoes.
1.     Columns of wind, touch floor from cloud above = spin up and down, arms big and little
2.     Travel above land = move and spin
3.     North and south rotation = two sides spinning correct ways.
“This storm is made up of columns of wind made up of debris, dust, and water. From the clouds above, they can read the floor. Let me see you spin down to the floor and back up.”
“These storms travel above land and even go a few miles. Can you spin and travel at the same time?” (use arms)
“These storms rotate the same as hurricanes. So if you are on this side of the room, the north, you will rotate CC, but south will rotate C. (show) As soon as you cross the halfway point you have to switch your rotation! You have a lot to think about! Spinning the right way up and down, with big and little arms.”
Come sit

To close, test them a little bit with each one. A quick review to connect.

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