Lesson Plan 1


Lesson Title: Locomotor and Axial
Content Objective: By the end of 45 minutes, 2nd grade students will be able to demonstrate axial and locomotor movements while demonstrating floor pathways. They will also be able to create a dance and perform.
Grade: 2nd
Length of lesson: 45 min
Materials: cut paper of axial and locomotor, bags, pipe cleaners, drum, music

7-10 min
Explain Rules. Add that when I drum a certain pattern. That means they will run over and gather together to get more instruction

In space, students will walk around doing the pathways I call out. Straight, Zig Zag, and curved. We will go through this quickly and then from wall to wall we will skip and leap.
From there students will mirror my movement.

“I’m so excited to dance with you today! In order to have fun, I have three rules to follow. First, when I am talking, no one else is talking. Second, we are all going to dance. Third is we are not going to touch other people today. Maybe we will work in teams other days, but not today. I just want to dance and fun so hopefully everyone makes good choices. If you don’t follow my rules I will give one warning, but after that, you will have to come sit by me and not have fun with us. So can we all do that? Can we all have fun?”
“When I say go, everyone will stand up and spread out. We have to get our bodies warm so we stay safe so you are going to walk. As you walk I want you to pretend that you have paint on the bottom of your feet and your leaving a pathway…”
“You’re not going to bump your neighbor, but go in a straight line”
Funkytown by party cats
5-7 min
Invite students to sit in front of you. Define AXIAL and LOCOMOTOR, but encourage them to guess the meanings first.
Go through all the printed words, demonstrate if necessary, letting students decide if it is axial or locomotor.
“Everyone come sit by me in three, two, one….I have two knew words for you, the first is locomotor. When you hear the word motor, what do you think of?” Define.
“The second word is axial. It is the opposite of locomotor, so if it is the opposite what does that mean?”
Go through printed words and demonstrate.

15 min
Have students spread out in the space, so that if they put their arms out they won’t touch anyone. They are going to start with a walk, walking all over the floor but NOT bumping into their neighbors. When I say ‘freeze!’ students will make a shape – encourage high, medium, and low levels. Allow for three different shaping moments. From there, begin doing axial movements, guiding them through. For example, have them bend, but stay in their same spot, bending their arms, legs, torso, etc. Then move through the space doing a different locomotor movement like leaping. Freeze once again creating a shape. Perform axial movement. Repeat until all axial and locomotor movements have been completed.
Demonstrate/explain jump v hop v leap and skipping.

“When I say go…you are going to find a spot in the space. When I start to play the drum, you start to walk, anywhere in the room.”
“FREEZE! Make a shape, any shape you want in three two one (drum). Now (axial movement). Try it with your arms, now legs, etc.”

10 min
Have students come sit back down and make a dance. Have the locomotor and axial movements in a bag. Well-behaved students will pick out of the bag and we will put a dance in order-locomotor, axial, locomotor, axial, etc. (3 times). The third bag will have three pathways. Students pick out of this bag and this will decide the pathways of locomotion movement. Use pipe cleaners that are folded into different pathways to create a visual.
Perform once as a group, and once for eachother.
“Come gather around me. Lets see, who is sitting nice and quietly. Why don’t you pick a movement out of the bag…Perfect our first locomotor move is going to be ___.”
Continue with axial and locomotor.
“Ok we are going to add one more element and that’s how we walk on the floor. Will we be going in a straight line, zig zag, or curved?”
Talk through the dance and perform.
Classy penguin

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